作为一名流行艺术家,Besa 的音乐是不同流派的独特融合,包括流行、电子、R&B、民谣。她的音乐以其朗朗上口的旋律和相关的歌词而闻名。贝萨的精彩表演总是充满创意、悬念,独特地触动了丰富多彩的情感世界。她有一个强大的&尽管她已经离开很多年了,但她仍然与粉丝保持着长久的联系,因为她迷上了法语和法语。英文专辑。贝萨是一位非常活跃的动物权利大使,也是一位热心的社会事业活动家和社会活动家。平等。
Besa Kokëdhima(生于 1986 年 5 月 29 日)通常被称为 Besa,是一位屡获殊荣的阿尔巴尼亚歌手。她还因凭借《Tatuazh në Zemër》(纹身心)赢得第十届 Kënga Magjike 冠军以及凭借《Engjëjt vrasin Njëlloj》(天使杀死同样的人)赢得第六届 Top Fest 音乐节而闻名。自由、平等、动物权利、暴力侵害妇女和社会事业的积极分子歧视。
Besa Kokëdhima 出生于阿尔巴尼亚费耶,父亲 Koço Kokëdhima 是一位数学家和企业家,母亲 Brixhida Kokëdhima 也是一位数学家。她的家族根源可以追溯到发罗拉区布雷格地区的 Qeparo。贝萨小时候立志成为一名歌手。她因在学校和当地才艺表演和比赛中的歌唱而在当地闻名。 13 岁时,她首次公开亮相于 Radio Televizioni Shqiptar。据贝萨和她的父母说,他们不愿意鼓励她从事音乐事业,但她一直在上钢琴课。 15岁时,她作为一名高中生移居英国。同年,她录制了第一张翻唱唱片,莫妮卡的《Street Symphony》。一年后,她的首张歌曲“Më Beso”由非常成功的制作人 Florian Mumajesi 创作,并与当时新成立的阿尔巴尼亚乐队 Produkt 28 合作,取得了成功,并获得了 2003 年“Mikorofoni i Artë”大奖。使她得到了更多公众的认可。 19岁时,她回到阿尔巴尼亚,并开始制作她的首张专辑,并于2006年出版。
19岁时,她永久返回阿尔巴尼亚定居,并开始制作首张专辑,并于2006年7月29日发行。她的专辑《Besa》因其当时的热门歌曲《Zonja dhe Zotërinj》而获得高销量。 、《Mëngjesi Im Je Ti》、《Lëshoje Hapin》等。她的首张专辑是与阿尔巴尼亚音乐界知名人士合作创作的,如Dorian Gjoni、Florian Mumajesi、Genti Lako、Andy DJ、Stine等。她被选为代表同年晚些时候,阿尔巴尼亚参加了 MTV Exit 音乐会。 2006年,她参加了马其顿“Notafest”音乐大赛,凭借成功的R&B单曲“Lëshoje Hapin”获得评审团一等奖。她于2006年和2006年参加了阿尔巴尼亚音乐比赛“Kënga Magjike”。 2007年,她凭借《Tani të Dua》和《Pa Yllin Tënd》分别获得“最佳舞蹈”奖和“乔恩音乐”奖。
在阿尔巴尼亚另一个主要音乐节 Top Fest 中,她于 2007 年凭借热门歌曲“Unik”(独特)获得“最佳流行与摇滚”奖,并于 2008 年赢得互联网奖 Aawrd,并最终凭借热门歌曲“Engjëjt Vrasin”赢得了该音乐节。尼耶洛伊”。这首歌在随后的许多年里仍然很受欢迎。
2009年,她凭借英文创作的歌曲《Nothin' Gonna Change》代表罗马尼亚参加欧洲歌唱大赛,并进入半决赛。
她因代表阿尔巴尼亚参加马其顿奥赫里德国际音乐节奥赫里德音乐节而凭借摇滚歌曲《Versus》获得最佳表演奖。 2010年,她重返Top Fest,并凭借单曲《Kalorësi i Natës》获得最佳女歌手奖。这首单曲后来与官方音乐视频相关。她与科索沃著名歌手 Jehona Sopi 合作,于 2010 年 10 月发行了充满女权主义精神的 R&B 单曲“Nuk jam ajo”(我不是她)。
2011年,贝萨发行了她的新单曲《Always on My Mind》,该单曲是用英语录制的。
阔别四年后,贝萨于 2011 年带着《Botën do ndryshoja》(我要改变世界)重返《Kënga Magjike》。歌词传达了一种鼓舞人心的爱的信息,这种爱足以改变世界。这首歌获得了评论家奖并获得第三名。
2012 年,Besa 发行了她的新单曲“Fishekzjarre”(烟花),作为 Top Fest 的竞争作品。该单曲非常成功,并于当年晚些时候获得了电台热门奖。
2013 年,她在罗马尼亚创作新歌,并发行了由罗马尼亚 DJ LLP 合作的“Burning”。 2013年夏天,Besa发布了她的单曲“Folie”的音乐视频,该视频一炮而红。
2013年8月,贝莎受邀参加波兰索波特国际歌曲节,表演歌曲《Fishekzjarre》。该比赛吸引了一些欧洲当代音乐界最伟大的名字,如 Loreen、Imany、Caro Emerald 等。2013 年 9 月,她受邀代表阿尔巴尼亚参加“Türkçe Vizyon 2013”土耳其音乐节。她现场表演了Barış Manço 的《Gül Pembe》。
2013 年 10 月,Besa 带着“Tatuazh në Zemër”(纹身心)回归“Kenga Magjike”。这首歌由达科·迪米特洛夫作曲,阿尔班·斯肯德拉吉作曲。在与阿尔巴尼亚音乐界最伟大的名字的激烈竞争中,贝萨赢得了比赛。当晚她还获得了最佳舞蹈奖。
2013年12月,Besa发行了她的特别节日EP“Besa për Festat - EP”,其中8首英语传统歌曲采用阿尔巴尼亚语。所有曲目都配有音乐视频,其中贝萨和国家管弦乐团在首都会场中心表演,以圣诞节为主题。这些曲目由著名的达科·迪米特洛夫、埃迪·巴利利、克洛迪安·卡福库和马里奥·德达制作。它还收录了达科·迪米特洛夫 (Darko Dimitrov) 的获奖歌曲“Tatuazh ne Zemer”的圣诞版本。
2014 年,Besa 出版了与阿尔巴尼亚说唱歌手 2Po2 合作的《Zemrën Dot Nuk ta Lexoj》,随后还附上了音乐视频。 “Zemrën Dot Nuk ta Lexoj”(我读不懂你的想法)。“Zemrën Dot Nuk ta Lexoj”是 2014 年最成功的民谣之一。
2014年5月,Besa发行了《Mbretëreshë》(Queen),获得了积极的反馈。 7 月底,她与 TDS 的主唱 Dr.Mic 一起发行了“Zejemër”(来自 Zemër,Eng. Sweetheart)。 7 月下旬,她与 TDS 的主唱 Dr. Mic 一起发行了“Zejemër”(来自 Zemër,Eng. Sweetheart)。 《Zejemër》获得了巨大的反响和商业上的成功。八月初,Besa 还发行了与德国说唱歌手 Gmd Babydave 合作的视频单曲“Arabia”(Faj Eng.Sin)。视频是在塞浦路斯风景和东方建筑中拍摄的。
2014年12月,Besa发行了圣诞单曲和专辑Ti Je Festa Ime。 《Ti Je Festa Ime》(你是我的嘉年华)EP 是艺术家于 2013 年 12 月发行的第一张圣诞专辑 Besa për Festat 的第二版。单曲收到了积极的反馈,专辑是最受好评的项目之一今年的。贝萨也被认为是巴尔干第一位用阿尔巴尼亚语创作节日和圣诞节专辑传统的艺术家。单曲“Ti je Festa Ime”由备受认可的达科·季米特洛夫 (Darko Dimitrov) 创作和制作,亚历克斯 (Alex) 和贝萨 (Besa) 创作歌词。该视频展现了圣诞节和假日季节的所有美丽和魔力。专辑还收录了圣诞经典的翻唱阿尔巴尼亚语,后来也以剪辑形式发布。2015年2月14日,Besa发行了新的视频单曲《#14》,这首强有力的民谣在同日举行的Mad Secret音乐会上首次呈现。音乐会以独奏会为特色。由 Besa 和 Jericho 歌手 Petrit Carkaxhiu 创作,由阿尔巴尼亚 Mad TV 举办。
2014年,Besa发行了国际热门单曲《Amelia》。这首歌由国际音乐厂牌“Roton Music”推广。该视频单曲获得了好评,歌曲成为初夏热门歌曲。
2015年8月Besa发行了创新的RnB地下单曲“All in”。
这首歌是与热门热门制作人 Flori Mumajesi 和 Vicky DJ 合作的。
Besa 还出版了两张名为“Besa për Festat”和“Ti Je Festa Ime”的节日专辑。
Besa për Festat 由 8 首传统英文歌曲组成,阿尔巴尼亚语。这些曲目均配有贝萨和国家交响乐团的音乐视频。这张专辑还收录了圣诞节歌曲“Tatuazh ne Zemer”的版本。专辑《Ti Je Festa Ime》获得了积极评价,一篇文章称该专辑为“年度最受欢迎的项目之一”。
2022年6月,贝莎凭借法国民谣《En Equilibre》在法国出道,首张单曲获得了积极反馈。《En Equilibre》是她即将在法国音乐界推出的首张专辑中的第一张。
2023年,她被选拔参加了2023年的比赛。音乐节 62歌曲“Zemrën n'dorë”。
Music & Achievements
Besa stands out for her very distinctive voice, and very emotional deliverance of songs. Her passionate approach to music makes her one of the dearest artists in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.
At the age of 19 she permanently returned and settled in Albania, and started working on her debut album which was published on July 29, 2006. Her album "Besa" resulted in high sales for its big hits at the time "Zonja dhe Zotërinj", "Mëngjesi Im Je Ti" "Lëshoje Hapin" etc. Her debut album was written in collaboration with well-known Albanian music industry personalities such as Dorian Gjoni, Florian Mumajesi, Genti Lako, Andy DJ, Stine etc.
She was chosen to represent Albania at the MTV Exit Concert, later that year. In 2006, she participated in "Notafest" Music Contest in Macedonia, where she was awarded the Jury's 1st prize with successful R&B single "Lëshoje Hapin". She participated in Albanian Music Contest "Kënga Magjike" both in 2006 & 2007 which she was awarded respectively "Best Dance" with "Tani të Dua" and "Jon Music" with "Pa Yllin Tënd".
In Top Fest another major Albanian festival, she was awarded "Best Pop & Rock" in 2007 with her hit "Unik" (Unique) and in 2008 she won the Internet Prize Award and eventually won the festival with her hit song "Engjëjt Vrasin Njëlloj". The song remained a hit for many following years.
In 2009 she tried to represent Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest with the English-penned song "Nothin' Gonna Change" and reached the Semi-finals.
She won the Best Performance award for her participation in Ohrid Fest, an international music festival in Ohrid, Macedonia representing Albania with "Versus", a rock song. In 2010, she returned to Top Fest, and was awarded the Best Female Singer with her single "Kalorësi i Natës". The single was later associated with an official music video. She collaborated with well-known Kosovo singer Jehona Sopi for their feminist spirited R&B single "Nuk jam ajo" (I'm not her) which was released in October 2010.
In 2011, Besa released her new single "Always on My Mind", which was recorded in English.
Besa returned to "Kënga Magjike" 2011, after four years of absence, with "Botën do ndryshoja" (I'd change the world). The lyrics conveyed an inspiring message for a love, big enough to change the world. The song was warded the Critic's Award and finished third.
In 2012 Besa published her new single "Fishekzjarre" (Fireworks), as a competing entry in the Top Fest. The single resulted to be very successful and was awarded with the Radio Hit Award later that year.
She worked in Romania in 2013, on her new songs and released "Burning" which featured Romanian DJ LLP. In the Summer of 2013 Besa published a music video for her single "Folie", which became an instant hit.
In August 2013, Besa was invited to perform in Sopot International Song Festival in Sopot, Poland where she performed "Fishekzjarre". The contest featured some of Europe's greatest names in present music such as Loreen, Imany, Caro Emerald etc. In September 2013, she was invited to represent Albania in "Türkçe Vizyon 2013", the Turkish Music Festival. She performed a live rendition of "Gül Pembe" by Barış Manço.
In October 2013 Besa returned to "Kenga Magjike" with "Tatuazh në Zemër" (Tattooed heart). The song was composed by Darko Dimitrov and written by Alban Skenderaj. In a tough competition with Albania's greatest names in the music industry, Besa won the contest. She also won the Best Dance Award that same night.
In December 2013, Besa published her special holiday EP "Besa për Festat - EP", with 8 English traditional songs adopted in the Albanian language. All tracks were accompanied by music videos featuring Besa and the National Orchestra performing in the center of the capital's venue, decorated in a Christmas theme.The tracks were produced by well known Darko Dimitrov, Edi Balili, Klodian Qafoku and Mario Deda. It also featured a Christmas Version of winner song "Tatuazh ne Zemer" ft. Darko Dimitrov.
In 2014 Besa published "Zemrën Dot Nuk ta Lexoj" featuring Albanian rapper 2Po2, which was later accompanied with a music video. "Zemrën Dot Nuk ta Lexoj" (I can't read your mind)."Zemrën Dot Nuk ta Lexoj" is one of the most successful ballads of 2014.
In May 2014, Besa released "Mbretëreshë" (Queen), which gained positive feedback. In late-July she released "Zejemër" (from Zemër, Eng. Sweetheart) with TDS' lead singer Dr.Mic. In late-July she released "Zejemër" (from Zemër,Eng. Sweetheart) with TDS' lead singer Dr. Mic. "Zejemër" received great feedback and commercial success. In early August Besa also released video-single "Arabia" (Faj Eng.Sin) featuring German rapper Gmd Babydave.Video was shot in Cyprus landscapes and oriental architecture.
In Decembre 2014, Besa published Christmas single and Album Ti Je Festa Ime. "Ti Je Festa Ime" (You are my Fiesta) EP was the second edition of Besa për Festat, the first Christmas Album published by the artist in December 2013.
The single received positive feedback and the Album was one of the most well received projects of the year. Besa is also considered the first artist in Balkan which has made a tradition of Holiday and Christmas Albums in Albanian Language. Single "Ti je Festa Ime' was written & produced by highly recognized Darko Dimitrov and lyrics were written by Alex and Besa. The video projected all the beauty and magic of Christmas and the Holiday Season. The Album also featured covers of Christmas classics in Albanian Language, those too released later as clips.
On the 14th of February 2015, Besa released new video single " #14 " .The powerful ballad was firstly presented on Mad Secret Concert which was held on the same day. The concert featured a recital by Besa and Jericho vocalist Petrit Carkaxhiu, held by Mad TV in Albania.
In 2014, Besa published International Hit Single "Amelia". The song was promoted by International Music label "Roton Music". The video-single received great reviews and the song became an early Summer Hit.
In August 2015 Besa released innovative RnB underground single "All in".
The song was in collaboration with popular Hit-maker Flori Mumajesi and Vicky DJ.
Besa has also published two holiday albums titled "Besa për Festat" and "Ti Je Festa Ime".
Besa për Festat consisted of 8 traditional English songs adopted in the Albanian language. The tracks were accompanied by music videos featuring Besa and the National Orchestra. The album also featured a Christmas Version of the song "Tatuazh ne Zemer." The album Ti Je Festa Ime received positive reviews, and one article called the album "one of the most well-received projects of the year".
In 2017 Besa was a coach at "the Voice of Albania". She was voted the favourite judge of the season. She released "Mos m'le me ra" ft Elinel, a powerful ballad with electronic/underground vibes. She also went on to stduy jazz in Paris. In 2018 she did "The DIVAS" a concert featuring 4 big Albanian Names. In 2019, while in Paris, she released "Amor" & "La La la". In 2019 she also released "History" initially a competing entry in "Kenga Magjike 2019". She dropped the festival after deadly earthquake fatally hit urban areas in Albania resulting in countless victims.
In 2020 she wrote and performed "C'est la vie" ft Bledbeats, advocating protection for women victims of domestic violence.
She later dropped "One" & "Don" ft greek rapper ILLeoO.
In 2021 she released a remake of an iconic folk Albanian song "Margjelo" with italian Dj Garrido. While in Paris, Besa worked on her international music album in French & English. In 2022 Besa made her debut in France with French ballad "En Equilibre" in June 2022.The debut single got positive feedback.
"En Equilibre" is the first of her upcoming debut album in the French Music Industry. in 2022, she released combo music video tracks, "Si kalama" ft Lyrical Son & Machoman. She also did "A live Night" solo concert with Top Albania Radio. In 2023, she released "Tiki tiki" & Futboll Team "Apollonia" anthem which she wrote & performed.
In 2023, she was selected to compete in the Festivali i Këngës 62 with the song "Zemrën n'dorë" co-written with Albanian composer & producer Kledi Bahiti.
Besa has announced "Zemren n'dore is getting a revamp. In January 2024, Besa released "Inshallah" which she wrote & performed in French, also featuring French rapper Impar.
Besa has announced she also has an electronic Album ft Albanian Dj & producer Marin Hoxha.
Besa shares her life between Paris/France & Tirana/Albania.
She has 3 cats, and 6 stray dogs she has rescued from the streets of Albania. Besa is very actively involved in social causes in the protection of Animals, the Environment, Women victims of Domestic violence & charity fundraisers supporting orphaned children.